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Monday, November 15, 2010

Enter to win GORGEOUS hand knit gloves http://bouffeebambini.blogspot.com/2010/11/cactusdesign-hand-knit-fingerless.html

I'm posting this not only to help my friend Hanna gain recognition but also to try and win some of this amazing stuff. I need to starting branching out with my knitting. This stuff is awesome.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Homemade Baby Food

Sorry folks. Again I've been busy being a Mama so sometimes that means it is near impossible for me to have time to upload photos, and write my story. But tonight my sweet angel went to bed early YAY!!! Hopefully he will sleep through the night. He woke up at 2:00am this morning which is actually unusual but happens on occasion. He is actually a really good sleeper but tends to not get to sleep until 10:30 at night even when I attempt to put him to bed way earlier than that. I have been taking different approaches with him to get him on a better sleep schedule to mesh with his growing appetite for play time. Today was an awesome day despite the 2am wake up. He woke again at 6am to nurse then slept in until 8:30. He had three naps and finally went into his crib at 8pm. If I can keep this up this will be a perfect schedule. He is such a wonderful little boy. I am having so much fun watching him grow and change. Yikes I spoke too soon. He just woke up again. Well I'll give it awhile and see if he falls back to sleep. Since I am writing though if anyone has any tricks for getting back into sleepy land that would be awesome. I have a binky for him, a white noise machine, night light. You name it and I most likely have it. He is also teething too of course but nothing seems to really work for him and I have tried everything from homeopathic to Tylenol to cold washcloths. Again if anyone has any tricks for teething I am open to it. Well this was just supposed to be a side note. My post is actually about the fact that I made baby food today with the machine my Aunt Lynda bought for me. So far Finn loves Mangos and Bananas. Today I made homemade applesauce with organic apples and separately I made pureed butternut squash. He wasn't so sure about the applesauce but next week I'll try the squash. In the mean time here is some pictures of Finnbug and the food I made.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Well we need to keep working on tummy time because I tried to get it on video but little Finn was already exhausted from floor/tummy time and then one big roll. He rolled from his tummy to his back for the very first time about an hour ago. He was rolling from side to back a little bit but didn't seem like he was anywhere near being ready for a full roll. I am so proud of my little man. The Pediatrician said he may be late on this milestone due to his size but not to worry. Ha I get to tell her that he did it at our 6th month visit. I still cannot get him still enough to capture the tooth teeth he has but in the mean time I am including some recent video and pictures.
Happy Dia de los Muertos everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!